So here's the finished mouth prosthesis I've been working on. I was able to get it done by Thanksgiving and freak out my family a little. I still want to go back into some areas and add gore with my favorite blood-colored acrylic paint and silicone adhesive. But here goes:
Final wax-up. |
I used a few different types of wax to get an impression of what the finished silicone piece would look like. I'm always fascinated by how closely red sticky dental wax compares to blood. |
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Final mold with the acrylic teeth primed with Gold Primer (to help it adhere to the silicone) and glued into the mold using just a tiny bit of silicone adhesive so they don't move around while packing in the silicone - not too dissimilar to how one would make a denture. I decided to use a pourable plastic for the anterior half of the mold to pick up on the fine details and because it's so lightweight. My only complaint is some minor bubbling issues, but I'm pretty sure that's my fault. |
How I usually have my silicone stuff laid out; everything nice, tidy, and in order. I ended up mixing six different flesh tones to match my own (surprisingly complicated) complexion: A red glaze, brown glaze, freckle, gum, lips, and base. |
Silicone prosthesis fresh out of the mold. Some unfortunate bubbles on certain areas (due to the porosity of the plastic), which I ground off with a silicone bur. It's just extra texture! |
Added some extrinsic coloring with dry earth pigments and silicone fluid - turns out I have more freckles than I originally thought. Also, I wanted to make my lips rosy and bruised looking. |
Prosthesis on! Using "It Stays" water-based prosthetic adhesive, which was almost confiscated at the airport. It is hypoallergenic but has a strong odor, similar to rubbing alcohol, so applying it directly under my nose was a little unpleasant. That, and I can't talk/laugh/smile while wearing this prosthesis. |
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PUPPY BRAAAAAAIIIIIIIINNNNNSSSS. <3 Even the lady on the television is freaked out. |
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